achbi mohammed said
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The monitoring of physical systems is based on the observation of
physical quantities. In this context, surveillance of SDH must ensure permanent control of dynamics through observation of continuous and discrete trajectories; the occurrence of a failure then results either from the evolution of the continuous state in a mode, or from the discrete evolution that is to say the sequence of discrete states. However, the presence of uncertainties (structured or unstructured) in such systems, due to aging of the components or their behavioral change as a function of environmental conditions, hinders the monitoring procedure and often leads to erroneous actions.
The purpose of the proposed thesis is to study the detection and localization of defects for a particular class of uncertain hybrid systems by synthesizing a fault-tolerant control law.
Abstract (Ar)
يعتمد رصد النظم الفيزيائية على مراقبة الكميات المادية. في هذا السياق ، يجب أن تضمن مراقبة الأنظمة الديناميكية الهجينة التحكم الدائم في الديناميكيات من خلال مراقبة المسارات المستمرة والمنفصلة ؛ يحدث الفشل بعد ذلك إما من تطور الحالة المستمرة في وضع ما ، أو من التطور المنفصل الذي يعني تسلسل الحالات المنفصلة. ومع ذلك ، فإن وجود حالات عدم اليقين (منظم أو غير منظم) في مثل هذه النظم ، بسبب تقادم المكونات أو تغيير سلوكها كدالة من الظروف البيئية ، يعيق إجراء الرصد وغالبا ما يؤدي إلى أعمال خاطئة.
الغرض من الأطروحة المقترحة هو دراسة اكتشاف وتوطين العيوب لفئة معينة من الأنظمة الهجينة غير المؤكدة عن طريق تجميع قانون تحكم يتحمل الأخطاء.
Abstract (Fr)
La surveillance des systèmes physiques repose sur l’observation des grandeurs physiques. Dans ce contexte, la surveillance des SDH doit assurer le contrôle permanent des dynamiques à travers l’observation les trajectoires continues et discrètes; l’occurrence d’une défaillance résulte alors soit de l’évolution de l’état continu dans un mode, soit de l’évolution discrète c’est-à-dire la séquence d’états discrets. Cependant, la présence des incertitudes (structurées ou non structurées) dans de tels systèmes, dues au vieillissement des composants ou à leur changement de comportement en fonction des conditions environnementales gênent la procédure de surveillance et conduisent souvent à des actions erronées.
Le but du travail de thèse proposé est d’étudier la détection et la localisation des défauts pour une classe particulière des systèmes hybrides incertains en synthétisant une loi de commande tolérante aux défauts.
Scientific conferences
Publications internationales
- Achbi, M. S., Kechida, S., Mhamdi, L., Dhouibi, H. (2021). A Neural-fuzzy approach for fault diagnosis of hybrid dynamical systems: Demonstration on three-tank system. Acta Mechanica et Automatica, 15(1), 1-8.
- Achbi, M. S., Mhamdi, L., Kechida, S., Dhouibi, H. (2020). Methodology to knowledge discovery for fault diagnosis of hybrid dynamical systems: demonstration on two tanks system. Diagnostyka, 21(4), 115-123.
- Mhamdi, L., Achbi, M. S., Dhouibi, H., Kechida, S. (2020). Diagnosis of hybrid systems through bond graph, observers and timed automata. Diagnostyka, 21(3), 113-125.
- Achbi, M. S., Kechida, S. (2020). Methodology for monitoring and diagnosing faults of hybrid dynamic systems: a case study on a desalination plant. Diagnostyka, 21(1), 27-33.
- Achbi, M. S., Mhamdi, L., Kechida, S., Dhouibi, H. (2020). Fault diagnosis and Fault tolerant control of Hybrid Dynamic Systems. 2nd International Conference on Electronics and Electrical Engineering IC3E. Bouira.
- Achbi, M. S., & Kechida, S. (2017). Fault diagnosis of a reverse osmosis water desalination plant through a hybrid approach. In International conference on Electronics and new technologies. ICENT. M’sila.
- Achbi, M. S., & Kechida, S. (2017). Fault tolerant control of Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant with the application of SCADA system. In 2nd international conference on Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostics. ICAAID. Djelfa.
- Achbi, M. S., & Kechida, S. (2017). Hybrid dynamic systems fault diagnosis approach based on hybrid automata and ANFIS. In 2nd international conference on Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostics. ICAAID. Djelfa.
- Achbi, M. S., & Kechida, S. (2015). Modélisation et Diagnostic des Systèmes Dynamiques Hybrides par ANFIS. In 1st international conference on Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostics. ICAAID. Djelfa.
- Achbi, M. S., & Kechida, S. (2015). Modélisation et Diagnostic des procédés de production d'eau potable. 2ème journée Doctorale JD’15. Université de 08 Mai 1945 Guelma.
- Achbi, M. S., & Kechida, S. (2014). Diagnostic des systèmes dynamiques hybrides : Applications à un système à trois réservoirs. 1ère journée Doctorale JD’14. Université de 08 Mai 1945 Guelma.